
Iyyar is known as the month of healing for its name is an acronym: I am G-d your healer (Exodus 15: 26)." It is the month that connects the holiday of Passover to the holiday of Shavuot. On Passover, the Jewish People were taken out of Egypt, and on Shavuot the Jewish People received the Torah. And so it was that while the Jewish People were wandering about in the desert, G!d was our healer. Our task while wandering was to let go of our lives as slaves in Egypt and our survival mentality and prepare ourselves for serving Hashem and embracing life- a therapeutic desert experience. Since that was/is no easy task, G!d took care of our bodily needs. We were like children, our physical needs were cared for so that we could focus on dreaming and imagining who we wanted to be. 

Do you remember that feeling? Do you remember that sense of possibility? 

This is the month to tap into that, to find time to sit with that inner imaginative child and feel that sense of WOW. And if in this moment, our physical needs challenge our ability to sit in the spiritual, perhaps by remembering that G-d is our healer and no matter the desert in which we find ourselves, the Jewish People are with you and G!d is with you, we may be able to find a spark of WOW. 


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