During the month of Sivan, we have a birthday party for the Torah (AKA Shavuot)!
One aspect of the Torah that we are celebrating during this holiday is what is known as Halacha, or the laws of Jewish life. In Hebrew, the root of this word is to walk. As Jews, we have been gifted with magical tools to carry on our journey through life. If we let them, they can help us navigate this roller coaster- world and manifest our full potential. No matter the ups, downs and upside downs, we have our G!d box. Whether it be a law about charity, eating or dressing, each and every one connects us to our community, heightens our self-awareness and establishes a connection between us and the Divine.
As we journey forward this month, let's find one thing, no matter how small, to take with us from our Torah Birthday Party. Consider it a goodie bag with the best treats of all: family, mindfulness and G!d.
Flower Crown Time | Photo credit: Danielle Friedman