
A Labor of Love by Rachel Broncher

Expecting Miracles by Chana Weisberg

Motherprayer by Tivka Frymer-Kensky

Mothers and Children by Elisheva Baumgarten

Anatomy of the Soul by Chaim Kramer

Anything by Ina May Gaskin

A Time to be Born by Dr. Michele Klein

The Jewish Life Cycle by Daniel Spencer

The Halachas of Pregnancy and Childbirth by Webster

Ritual Medical Lore of Sephardic Women by Isaac Jack Levy

Womens’ Lives in Biblical Times by Jennie Ebeling

The Merit of Our Mothers

Out of the Depths I call to You by Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin

B’sha’ah Tovah by Rabbi Baruch Finkelstein

Anything by Dr. Aviva Romm

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon

The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson

The First 40 days by Heng Ou

Birthing from Within by Pam England

Ayurveda Mama by Dhyana Masala

Mother G!d by Teresa Kim Pecinovsky

Motherhood by Lisa Marchiano

Suckling at my Mother’s Breasts by Ellen Davina Haskell

Heart Centered Pregnancy Journal by Nikki Shaheed

Rooted by Dorothee Sophie Royal

If Women Rose Rooted by Sharon Blackie

Everything Below the Waist by Jennifer Block

Momstrology by Ophira & Tali Edut

The Jewish Body by Robert Jutte

Anything by Michel Odent

Tears of Sorrow, Seeds of Hope by Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin

Expecting Jewish by Marion Haberman

Ureh Banim | A parent’s prayers

Voices of the Matriarchs by Chava Weissler

Lifecycles by Rabbi Debra Orenstein

Beloved of the Soul Siddur by Sara Evian

Tefillas Channah | Prayers for the Jewish Woman

Holistic Hypnobirthing by Anthonissa Moger

Yoga Mama, Yoga Baby by Margo Shapiro Bachman

Four Centuries of Jewish Women’s Spirituality: A sourcebook by Ellen M Umansky & Dianne Ashton

The 15 Commitments

Childbirth Without Fear by Grantly Dick-Read

Israeli Feminism Liberating Judaism: Blood & Ink by Bonna Devora Haberman

The Seven Sisters by Michelle Peterson

Rewinding Motherhood by Shannon Evans

Portal by Yolande Norris Clark

Even God Had Bad Parenting Days by Alicia Jo Rabins


Birth and Women’s Health

Motherhood & Children’s Books

Janet Lansbury

The Kind Cocoa Mama

Momstrology by Ophira Edut

Mother God by Teresa King

Sparkle Inside by Rachel Kann

How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen by Joanna Farber

Anything by Gordon Neufeld