I want to hear YOUR STORY

Dear Birth Warrior,

No matter where, how or when you gave birth, it is sacred. Sometimes things happen in birth that can shock us. We are forever changed. Rather than remain in a victim mindset, this is an opportunity to reveal the hidden, lift the veil and see the world and birth in an entirely new way.

If you plan to give birth again, or support someone else in birth, it is essential that you process your own birth wounds. To be in sisterhood, there is so much work that we must do on ourselves.

You have not failed. We, sisters, have not failed. Rather our systems and communities are failing us.

There is harm being perpetuated by the medical system, toxic patriarchy and other systems that try to put us into boxes. But we have the opportunity to rise above the victim, villain, and hero spiral and create and transform and give birth to ourselves and to babies over and over again!

When we choose not to confront the trauma and the pain face to face we not only validate the shame experienced during birth but we also amplify the harmful consequences of this toxic birth system

So instead of shaming and blaming, let’s listen and learn. Let’s unravel, let’s hold space, let’s uncover, let’s reveal. Let’s treat each and every woman as the Divine beings that she is.

Maybe from here, we will be able to transform the systems that advocate for perpetuating feelings of inadequacy into ones that celebrate wholeness.

So what is Birth Integration?

It’s an exercise in telling our story , processing our feelings and crafting a ritual

It’s an opportunity for us to acknowledge our own birth after giving birth

It’s a space to reflect on what we learned while journeying through the unknown and sacred birth portal

It’s a moment to confront and move through this rite of passage with nourishment and support

How it works