
Jewish Love.jpg

Aryeh and I are hosting a free monthly gathering where folks can learn about Jewish Traditions around intimacy. The gathering will be held online on the first Sunday of the month (12 PM PST, 3 PM EST and 10 PM IST) and is open to all people. Come as you are.

Each month we will focus on a different topic. For the first half, we will be talking about the origins of practices around Jewish Intimacy and how they can impact a partnership. The second half is open Q and A. We welcome all of the questions and feel comfortable being in struggle with some of these practices. We want to get real and allow space for reflection.

We are not experts. We just have done some learning, are passionate about the topic and want to share it with you. We were both trained as Chatan and Kallah teachers with the Eden Center and you can learn more about how we came up with this offering in the blog post I wrote on their website. Here is the zoom link.