Ariela Sharon

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The first thing that comes to mind in Adar is joy. We are taught that in Adar, one increases in rejoicing (Taanit 29a:18) and yet we do not recite the ultimate prayer of praise, Hallel. What is the reason for this? Perhaps it is because even though the Jewish people were saved and even though they were allowed to fight back, they were still under the control of a non-Jewish King (Megillah 14a). Despite the win, thanks to Esther, we still need to remember the big picture. While kindness and justice defeated hate and bigotry in that one particular episode, there was still much work to be done and there still is.

The tea for this month has Cleavers, Passionflower, Reishi, Elderberry, Turmeric and Astragalus all infused in Cacao! It is an immune elixir and pick me up.

Cleavers | Galium aparine

Do you get irritated by the little things? If yes, this plant is for you and what better time to take it than in the month of Adar (when we are supposed to increase in joy)! According to Herbalists David Hoffman and Matthew Wood, Cleavers is a great herb tonic for the lymphatic system, cleansing our bodies of harmful toxins. During Adar, one of the Torah Portions (Parah) that we read is about the red hefir and describes in detail the purification practices in our temple. Using cleavers is a way to cleanse your own temple, your body.

What are ways you care for and cleanse your body?

Passionflower |

The mazal for Adar is Pisces, Fish. We know that righteous people are reincarnated as fish. We also know that eating fish is a fertility charm and that because water is compared to Torah that fish are just swimming in Torah all day long! During the month of Adar, we are given an incredible tool to connect with truth - Purim. We enter a different world and are challenged to question are assumptions and judgements and swim! This is not always easy and requires us to break free of certain ways of thought.

What in life gives you that extra glow?

Reishi | Ganoderma lucidum

Reishi is known as a “mushroom of immortality” and is one of the most researched herbs in the world.  She is an effective immune modulator, nervine tonic, and hormone balancing herb that can bring harmony to the body-mind and spirit. This month, the most important leader of the Jewish people is born and dies. Moshe, born on the 6th of Adar dies 120 years later on the 7th of Adar. And though G!d tells Moshe that, “This people will thereupon go astray after the alien gods in their midst… they will forsake Me and break My covenant that I made with them (Deuteronomy 31:16) …” Moshe’s Torah still lives on. Though things have transformed with the times, Moshe’s legacy and the Torah he received is still very much alive. That is true immortality…

What in your life feels immortal? What traditions link you to the past and to the future?

Elderberry | Sambucus

Elderberry is most commonly thought of and utilized as a flu remedy, as it directly inhibits the influenza virus’s action. She contains high levels of vitamins C, B-complex, flavonoids, and other antioxidants. She has a strong antiviral effect and immunomodulating properties, which makes her great for the common cold. Elderberry is also known as a fruit of opposites (which is what this month is all about). It has the potential to be (energetically) both healing and harmful.  In the month of Adar evil is turned on its head! We are encouraged to drink wine until the world is turned on its head and we no longer know the difference between cursed is Haman and blessed is Mordechai. Just like elderberry, it’s a month of opposites!

What in your life seemed to be one way and then later turned into something entirely different?

Turmeric | curcuma

In Adar we read the Torah Portion called Zachor. Zachor means to remember, and the Torah commands us to "remember what Amalek did to you on your way out of Egypt" (Deut. 25:17). The Sages explain that the definition of remembering is to speak the matter aloud at least once a year. It can be hard to speak matters out loud if we forget them! Turmeric is a great ally for brain health. It is due to her anti-inflammatory properties that causes our brains to stay healthier for longer and then use our brains for whatever we want! According to Rebbe Nachman, when we focus our minds on attaining greater spirituality, you direct yourself towards holiness.

How do you nurture your minds that you have the ability to spend more time doing holy work?

Astragulus | Astragalus propinquus

The body part for the month of Adar is the spleen. Our sages say that the “the spleen laughs.” At first sight, this appears most paradoxical, for the spleen is considered the seat of the “black humor,” the source of all states of melancholy and despair. However, guess what? The letters of “black humor” (מרה שחורה), in Hebrew, permute to spell the words “happy thought” (הרהור שמח). This is what Purim is all about, having your whole world turned upside down!

How can turning your world upside down expand your consciousness? What are other practices that you can do to impact how you see the world?